Thursday, December 13, 2012

Looking forward to 2013

So I know the new year hasn't even come and gone yet, but I am looking forward to the new 2013. I am making my list and checking it twice of all the new things I want to do---


  1. Snowboarding weekend
  2. New Orleans in June
  3. Vegas for the 28th bday weekend!

  1.  Get involved in more volunteer experiences
  2.  Rock climbing
  3.  Run a half marathon
  4. Attend more professional happy hours

 I have yet to spend a weekend snowboarding, but I will!
 New Orleans and Vegas are all set!

I have been rock climbing and will be doing it more often.
Guess who ran a half marathon?!! This girl on March 16th, 2013 I completed my first Half Marathon. My goal time was to finish it in 2:45, I finished it in 2:48! AND IT FELT SOOOO GOOD! 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dating 101

Hey y'all sooo where do I begin. Let's start with this, I recently decided that I was thinking/ready to start dating. I made this announcement via my Facebook page and found that quite a few of my friends and family were in agreement that it was time.
  So where to start- why wasn't I dating? Let's see, a series of relationship, but nots in HS. A 2 year half relationship in my first few years of college, sprinkled with this intense intimate friendship with another person that was off and on for a little over 3 years. And then there was Ricky, my last BF. 2 years, and not really sure what happened there. But knew I tried and it just didn't work out.
 But here is my history- friends. Easy right, you know them, they know you- hopefully, flaws and all and you can have fun because you are talking to your friend, but you have the added benefit of them being in a relationship with you, which in some cases can be an added perk. You don't go into relationships with the mindset that they are going to fail, you go into them with the mindset that they are going to go well.  When they fail, you are sort of left with this miserable pain that in some way- YOU Failed.

 Hmm... That's interesting. Needless to say, 2 years after Ricky and I started we ended. I attempted to make that intimate friendship into a relationship only to be a little too late and finally decided that Keesha needed to focus on school and building herself up before she started putting herself in a relationship. I graduated with honors from my Undergrad. Started my Master's program and graduated recently in May.
  The plan had been finish school, get me caught up to where I wanted to be, or at least on the path towards where I wanted to be. And then focus on building the fam. The other part of it was this, I needed to figure out not just who I was as me, but who I was in Christ. So I started my journey back to Grace and in his countenance to build myself up. I didn't want any relationship I jumped in to be made up of the same mistakes of the past. I mean, let's be real. Yeah I have love and appreciation for the men who graced my life, but there is still a part of me who wishes, that I hadn't made some of the choices that I did with those relationships. Some part of me wishes I could collect those little fragments of my heart that I let slip away so that there would be a whole me here when the time came to actually give my heart to the person who deserved it the most.
  Well, I've been on that path to restoration and rebuilding. And now I think it's time for me to at least test the waters, but I am setting some new rules, which probably goes against the point given that I am wanting to date, but here they are:

  Rule 1- no more friends. I get it there is comfort in the friend category, but in my history there is also discomfort and weirdness and trying to rebuild that well, NO THANK YOU. When I think of my future, he will become my BEST FRIEND. Together we will learn about each other, build each other into our lives

 Rule 2- I have to be willing... Truth be told I  hid behind my education as a reason why I wasn't trying to get into a relationship. I had homework or something to do on campus so that meant- I didn't have to go out meet new people or put myself out there. Anytime I went out it was the same place, with the same people, not really opening my options up if my only circles already know me right?!

Rule 3- PRAY! Whatever this next thing is that I open my life to has to be of God. Plain and simple

Yup, so those right now are my three rules. More for me than for the guy(s) coming into my life. As it should be, because really our lists, as women, limit us, NOT them.

 Until next time...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dating... 1,2,3..

So a while back I wrote about a Promised Love .. I love, love. LOL. I mean I think a lot of people love love, or we wouldn't want it or fall into it. Our hearts are fragile and we tend to spend too much time giving it away and causing it too much pain.
  I have been in fleeting movements of love, but love is of God. He fashioned us to love, to show people love and honor. We were made in His image to care for others and a gift that He gave to us, is to love others.
  I know that I have been setting myself in Him and being focused on Him. I don't expect that this means that I am going to find that next or perfect person, but it does mean that I am open to it. I do have a lot to learn and a lot to grow in, but the truth is I am ready.

 I am ready for my happy and I am ready to at least have a little fun and live a little. I recently made the announcement on FB and it was well received. I can't help but feeling very vulnerable though. I mean it has been a while since I have dated AND I am also thinking about the fact that I am changing my patterns from before- no friends.. Not that I don't think there has been value in that, I just can't do that, not again. Instead I want the person that I spend the rest of my life with to be the person that becomes my best friend.
    So here goes nothing.. And here is to more writing!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"Take your Place" Dream bigger

These lines below came from Madea's Family Reunion. Actress Cicely Tyson spoke them to her family, but I think these words apply very much to the young generation of Black men and women today, that I thought it appropriate to bring it up again:

What happened to us? Who are you? Do you know who you are? What happened to the pride and the dignity and the love and respect that we had for one another. Where did it go. And how, How do we get it back? I'ma tell you.

Young Black men, take your place. We need you. Your sons and daughters need you. Did you understand what I just said. You were sold off and had no choice, yes but now it's time to stay. Take your place. Now. Starting now. Starting now. 
Young black women, you are more than your thighs and your hips. You are beautiful, strong, powerful. I want more from you. Take your place.


We are a strong generation with much history and growth. But there are times that we sell ourselves short as a community and as mentors. We have a history that is vibrant and while we are still trying to define ourselves in a world that keeps changing, we owe it to ourselves to be the best examples of that history and legacy. We have an opportunity to do better than the versions of ourselves that others have labeled us. I think some times out of fear of being better and bigger we find ourselves living up to the stereotypes that others set against us. These words remind me of the power we have to do more, to be better and to keep living better versions of ourselves, versions that we DREAM for ourselves. I think the most that I am trying to say-- be bigger, be better and dream for more in your life.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Forgiveness: Sometimes easier said then done...

....But with God you are able to accomplish so much. Over the last few years since I started this blog, I have talked greatly about the broken relationship with my mother. I have said multiple times that " I am over it." There was pain there, and it was hard to forget it, but easy to forgive it. But there was still much pain that I was holding on to. Those things that happened affected so much in my life- family, love, friendships etc. They were all connected, so truly forgiving meant really letting go of it ALL.
  Today at church, we were blessed to have Mike Rovner  come and speak about the amazing things God has done for his life, but also just passing on his wisdom from the things he has gone through. Mike's message was on Willingness, Obedience, and most of all Forgiveness.
  On forgiveness, Mike reminds us - "It's not a feeling, it's an act of your will." Just as much as we walk in Victory as Christians, we have to walk in forgiveness each time. I have to actively seek a habit of forgiveness. There are people that have hurt me in my life--- deeply. It is tough, to say I forgive but not actively walk in that.
  Pastor Michael following Mike's message gave us time to lay it on Him. He says cast your cares upon me. He will take care of it. Today was the first time I finally said that I'm sorry. Why? Because I finally am able to let it go. Not forgiving hurts me more than it hurts the people who have pained me. But forgiving me puts a freedom on my heart. It makes the weight that I am feeling go. After that moment with God, I found it hard to figure out what had hurt me. It was as if He erased it all. The anger, the feelings that would come back when I thought about those moments, have been replaced with PEACE. I feel nothing, except for FREEDOM!
  GOD IS FAITHFUL! He has abundant blessings to cast upon us all we have to do is say YES! Here's the kicker-- at least for me. It's not a one time yes. Everyday I wake up and have another day to live and do His will, is a moment that I say, YES LORD, move me where you see fit. He has a hand in everything I do. But there are still things I need to work on.
    I need to call upon Him more often. In EVERYTHING I do, seeking Him, asking Him being guided by Him. He has been faithful, protecting me even when I wasn't ready to hear Him. I look back on my life and am just so amazed by His love for me.
    I don't know who needs to read this, but He has much to offer you. Just be willing to say YES!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A promised love...

Hey Y'all,
 I've written a little bit about my love life, if you can call it that, lol. I am still trying to navigate a Godly love from a man made love. I was/am in what I think is love with this guy. He has some how gotten under my skin and into my heart. It has taken me a long time to admit my feelings for him and although I know how he feels about me, choices we have made in our lives have separated us and caused a great distance.
    I recently encountered him again and for the first time I was faced with what I had once been able to "push away" or what I thought I had been able to bury deep. What I realized in seeing him for the first time in a long while was how fast those feelings would all come back and how much I realized I was feeling for him. People say "out of sight,  out of mind" but it doesn't mean that you actually ever let go.
    I was tested, do I say hi, do I not. I chose to say something, and that something was simply this " I only want to see you happy, I wish you well." That takes a lot, to look the person you wish you could be with, a person who you know on some level wishes they could be with you and let it all go, on one account---happiness.
    So what that meant is that I am still learning how to live out of love. A love that my friends and I know is not of God, but a love that nonetheless I am trying to break free from. The funny thing is that you are made to love. God created us in His image with the intent that we "love one another, as He loved us." So our heart, this unique gift of love and truth, is also sometimes our weakest link. It falls and it falls hard. We get too open with our hearts and we risk that honest, Godly, truthful love. I think that until we find that promised love we will forever be in situations that are "a lot like love." I am tired of giving pieces of my heart away and feeling so empty at the end of it. The recovery period to repair those broken elements takes longer than it did to give them all away.
    He didn't PROMISE us a complicated love. He didn't promise us a love that was going to be hard. He didn't PROMISE us a love that was going to make us hurt. He PROMISED us a REAL, HONEST, WONDERFUL and BLESSED love.
   "..... with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love." He promised us a love that IS full of humility, that IS gentle that IS patient. He promised us a love that IS kind, that IS compassionate. I don't know why we settle for those fleeting moments that isn't that. If I spend more time crying because of love, instead of crying out of love, then maybe it really isn't love.
  I feel like I am being ministered to as I try and heal through the pain of what I have been witnessing as a fight between my heart and my head. My head gets it, but my heart wants to feel something much different. My heart wants to be in love. But I know the love I am promised and right now it hasn't been gifted to me. I need to stand out in victory, that He has already provided it for me, but I still need to live out that faith.
   My future is kind, it's gentle and it's patient.He will be God-fearing. I pray that the person I meet and makes me His mate becomes my best friend. Understands faith, makes me better for loving him. Supports me, loves me, cares for me. Being a sports fan is not bad either ;).. I pray for love, a good love, a God love!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

How and when did I get here... (FAITH)

Today I closed an amazing chapter in my life, the time that I have spent with the Frederick Douglass Distinguished Scholars. It has been an amazing journey, and reflecting back on these last 2 years I have also had to reflect on the journey of my life in general. I am in awe of the person that I have become.
  My walk, nor my life in general has been perfect. I have stumbled and made choices that others might have regretted, but I took EVERY moment as a lesson to NEVER make that same mistake again. I know that there are many people who can look back on their lives and see areas they wish they could take back. Yes, there's a feeling of remorse when I look back on my life and realize that there are many areas where I could have left a better impression for the people I interacted with, but when I see who I am today, I know I couldn't be me without those hiccups along the way.
   Sitting in a room with 15 young minds and one person who has imparted so much wisdom in my life, I am in awe of where I am right now. The only answer I have to say is that FAITH brought me here. I talk about my faith quite a lot. Mainly because I knew the woman I wanted to be, needed to have a stronger relationship with Christ. And He knew that day would come, sooner than I had probably bargained with Him for, but in enough time that I could be in this moment, see myself, here my words and see people's reactions to understand that I am right where I need to be.
 I've been worried about whether or not I have enough of a foundation to be in the positions that I am. But I have been saying this to many people and then it FINALLY clicked for me. I have x amount of wisdom and experience on the people who are looking to me for advice and mentorship. And even if I feel that it's only two minutes more of experience, that's two minutes more than they had.
  I recognize in a REAL way, how much influence I have on the lives of people around me. I am very conscious of the "power of my words" and the value that my words can speak into the lives of others. If someone told me in High School or when I started College that I would be this person, part of me would not have believed it. Through the depression and my own self-destructive behavior, I thought that the world was out to get me. But there was something that I held on to then and something that has come full circle today- I must have been burdened with this life, so that someone else didn't have to experience hell on earth. Furthermore, I must have been burdened with this life for a bigger purpose than the hurt and pain I was in then. I am seeing that second piece fulfilled, everyday that I get to encounter a new person. I am humbled by this gift and so blessed to be standing in this wonderful season with an opportunity to just love on people and to continue to spread a message of Faith to those who might be wavering.

Monday, April 23, 2012

What's Next?....

Hey all:
 So I am not really sure if I have mentioned it at all, but I am currently in a Graduate School Program! Yay me and Higher Education!!
    I am only a few short weeks away from graduating, having just received confirmation that I had passed my Comprehensive Exams-- to all of those who read my blog and are in Graduate School Programs etc, CONGRATULATIONS.
   With this news comes a series of questions from family, friends, co-workers etc, "What's Next?" Here's the thing, if someone had asked me when I was 16 years old and first hear about AU, if I would be at this end of the journey, I would have had answers full of doubt. My parent's had gotten divorced and with their divorce went whatever money they had saved for college. Along with that having moved across the country and not having a stable job, my mom and I didn't have much to save for in the few short years it took me to enter and complete high school.
   When I first heard about AU, I knew it was a school I wanted to go to. There was something in my gut that said, I'll get there one day. Graduating High School finally knowing that I would not be attending AU post my senior year was tough to swallow. I had used finishing school as my escape from the crap I had to deal with. My education  was my sanctuary. I still had setbacks, ones that I created, but despite those setbacks- being rebellious etc, I was on a path to continue to learn as much as possible to hopefully NEVER allow those setbacks to really put me in a hole.
   So I graduated High School, and while my friends were either getting jobs right out, or going to 4 year institutions I enrolled in Foothill Community College. I paid my way through school. I paid for each of my classes, my textbooks etc. This probably began what set the tone for the next years of my life. I valued MY investment. I couldn't afford to mess up in a class because, well I didn't have the money or the time to make it up. So I didn't take for granted the moments that I needed to study or the time I sacrificed having fun for reading for class. I worked hard, balancing work, paying for school and may apartment and getting the grades I needed to graduate and transfer. Yes, I planned to graduate from my community college, I did not put in 2 years to not get a degree out of the experience.
  It took me a little longer to graduate from Foothill then the normal 2 years. It took me about 2.5, why? I got sick , really sick and it set me back a little bit. When I graduated from Foothill, I spent a little time just working and not really sure of what I would do next.
  I decided to move. Closer to my family, which meant traveling 3000 miles to the East Coast. I took a year off, taking online classes and beginning to prepare my transition to a 4 year institution. During my search, I kept coming back to AU. So when the time came to apply, only two applications went out. My application to AU and one to Ohio State University.
  I got into both, but my acceptance to AU was the only one that I had physically received. The Ohio State information somehow made it to my dad's place in California. Going to AU was a dream come true, and I had made it. What set AU apart was their 5 year program and the opportunity for me to get my Master's as well as my Bachelor's degree.
  I was thrilled and excited for this opportunity. Being at AU was not easy, it was tough. I worked, again, all through my time here. Again, I paid for school on my own. It was my responsibility to get the grades I needed because I couldn't afford any other option.
  Doubt crept in, would I make it would I be able to continue. There were times where I struggled greatly.
    But as I look back on my experiences realizing that I have been given the best gift ever, I look back with a humility and grace that has only been gifted to me by God. Through all the struggles and areas of uncertainty, I prayed to God that I would make it to the end of my dream. I wasn't sure how I was to get there, but I just knew that this is where I wanted to be.
   Being so close to the finish line, I realize how BLESSED I have been and I am. God has seen me through my journey even when I didn't realize I needed Him or that He was even listening. I realize that even though I struggled, He was always there. I am so excited for His Faithfulness.

Ephesians 1:11-14 Says that it is in Christ that we find out WHO we are and what we are living for.

We find our purpose after knowing who we are in Christ and we can only get that with having Christ at the center of our lives.
  So when people ask me "What's next?" I can only say, I do not know, but whatever it will be, it WILL BE GREAT and it will be FAITH Filled, because I now see no other way to get through the journey without God!

Monday, February 20, 2012

An Open Letter to #TEAMBREEZY

Hey there TeamBREEZY and those who are anti-Chris Brown:
  I normally try to keep out of the drama that is celebrity lifestyles. I may comment from time to time with friends and amongst my inner circle, but I normally do not get involved in the social media outlet as a way to enter into the back and forth or the sides of lifestyles that are not my own. But this is a time that I do need to comment and I do need to stand by something that I think needs to be discussed.
  The other night was the 54th Annual Grammy Awards. Under the excitement of one of the biggest award shows of the year, there was a somber tone that swept the audience, the nation and the world. Saturday afternoon the world lost another shining figure in the music industry- Ms. Whitney Houston, passed away at the age of 48 of causes unknown. Each time the news covers her story, they flash a date that sticks out for me like a sore thumb- my birthday, one that I shared with Ms. Houston. It's sad to know that someone so full of life, so full of energy and talent, could also have a troubled life that could ultimately be the reason that her time here on earth was cut so short. The world has seen it's share of lost talent too soon- Dorothy Dandrige, Marylin, Elvis, MJ and now Ms. Houston. These last two artists are artists that have been admired by all industries for their gifts that they gave to the world to be apart of. And in probably similar tragedies, both faced a brutal set of years before their deaths under the microscope of public opinion and media attention. It's enough that they have their own pressures of life, but to add to that the success they both received, it's devastating to see and be witness to these truly remarkable artists' lives cut short.
  I believe a lot can be learned from the tragic lives of MJ and Whitney, not just for the people who are in similar positions to them, but also to the fans, the world who wants to get in their lives deeper.
  Chris Brown in my opinion is a rising star, who has his faults. Yes , we all know the story of him and Rhianna. What Chris Brown did was unacceptable, deplorable and should never be applauded or made the butt of a joke. Domestic violence is a REAL problem throughout the world. And if we keep making it a joke we perpetuate these problems more and more. But when people call me disgusting for my support of Chris Brown the artist, I can't wrap my head around it. When people say that he shouldn't have "gotten off" because he is famous, etc, it baffles me. Why? Chris Brown has paid his debt to society. He was convicted, he served his time, he is trying to move forward with his life and the world will not let him. I understand that he'll forever have this scarlet letter attached to his name, but he did what he was supposed to do in accorandance with the law that punished him. It wasn't as if Chris Brown paid to have the case go away. He went to court, he was penalized and now as the purpose of the justice system, he should be able to reenter society. It's not to say that he is not due a level of judgement, or that the world should just act like it never happened. But what I am saying is, how long will we continue to demonize someone who has done what he was supposed to within the system that we uphold? What is the time limit that we as a society want to set? 3 years seems to not be enough. Being on probation, following the limits of the court system, participating in anger management sessions and completing community service seems to not be enough. I am not saying that all should be forgiven, there is a serious problem with Domestic Violence in the United States that needs to be addressed, but using Chris Brown as capital to continue to put this issue on the public agenda is not the way. Chris Brown did not make Domestic Violence an issue, he just happened to make it a focal point of this decade, an important focal point. And like those men that we know before him ( Ike Turner etc) his name will forever be associated with this issue, but he is not the root of the problem, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IS! I think we are investing all of our energy in making a bigger deal about Chris Brown's life than we are on the issue itself.

     To deny him a chance to do what he loves is inexcusable, simply because who are we to judge. If you don't like him, do not watch him, do not listen to him. The Grammy's are a place for which talent is fostered and awarded, regardless of the lives that these artists have lead. There are countless Grammy artists and performers who have questionable lives, Rappers who have killed countless people by providing for their drug addictions, alcoholics, womanizers etc.   We  do not seek them out to make amends for their past, or make them examples of the lifestyles they used to lead. We know the rappers who pushed crack cocaine during their younger years, they talk about it in their raps, but we don't make them come out in a commercial talking about how they "live above the influence." We don't ask them to go into High Schools and talk to high school students about their old habits. Every time we talk about drugs we do not associate their names, instead we celebrate these artists, we applaud who they are now and yet we don't question their acts of the past.

   Chris Brown  does not make being a fan easy. It's in this backdrop that I address Team BREEZY, also known as Chris Brown's fan base. As a fan of his art it frustrates me to see someone so talented  continuing to fall so hard. It makes me wonder who is supporting him, who are his role models, who guides him provides him a place to grow? Why does it seem that there is no one standing in his corner reminding him that this was the life he chose? Most specifically this situation between him and Rihanna, he wasn't going to have an easy road ahead and quite frankly he didn't deserve an easy road. Who is reminding him that his process, his growth, his stability was going to come from years of anger management sessions, prayer and deep reflection? Throwing chairs out windows & cursing people on Twitter are not "proper" responses to critics. It shows that there is still a level of growth that he needs to take. Like the names I mentioned before, those artists that have gone too soon, I am fearing that he doesn't get pushed too far that he ends up a tragedy like them. I pray that someone with his level of talent, finds peace in doing what he loves, not for the people who don't agree with him, but for the people who despite his shortcomings recognize that he is talented and that talent should be honored, even if the man that creates that talent needs to grow up.

  To his fans, whom he calls " My Everything" , where are we showing our support for him? Instead we have our own maturity to deal with. Tweeting dumb things like "He can beat me anytime," not learning at all from this situation. Domestic Violence is not a joke, she may not look like the image that was splashed across the page, but Rihanna is a victim/survivor. There are countless other women where Domestic Violence is an everyday occurrence, it is not a joke, it is not something that you can make a punch line, it is something very real, something that needs to be addressed and something that we cannot teach our kids as funny. People have died, women, children and men from the outcomes of Domestic Violence. But to blame Chris Brown for their ignorance is unacceptable. Where are we as mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, god mothers? Where are we as strong women, strong examples of  what respect of women should be? Instead the images teaching our young girls are The Real Housewives of (this city or that), Jersey Shore, Mob Wives, Basketball Wives, and Love & Hip Hop where the women are fighting each other, throwing drinks, cursing out guys and calling each other "Bs." Furthermore, we have shows like Charm School and Bad Girls Club,  shows continuing to  teach our young girls based on the worst examples of who we want to be. Shows like these foster  environments of disrespect of others and of self. These images tease out the phrases "he can beat me anytime," without even realizing what they do. But instead of taking up why women thinks it is okay to say these things, we blame Chris Brown. Saying it's his fault that there is this disjointed understanding of what happened, when the real travesty is ignorance, PERIOD.

  There is a lot of work that needs to be done, and it doesn't start with Chris Brown, it starts with us.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A little bit of reflection

I am in such a good place right now. I have a lot to look forward to in life and a lot more life to live. My life has not been the easiest of roads traveled, for many of us it has been tough. But when we are able to live with our heads held high, still kicking and screaming for that next moment it's all the more fulfilling and all the more exciting.
   Sure there are tough times, but the rough spots that we have been through make these situations seem like mere annoyances. I have prayed to be at American University, I have been blessed with seeing that dream come true. I prayed to get a Master's Degree as well and I am a few short weeks away from that experience as well. I prayed for peace of mind to let go of some areas in my life that have been broken and I am moving past these situations.
  God has been a wonderful gift in my life. His grace and mercy have been so overwhelming but a good overwhelming. I am about to graduate in May, I have no idea what comes next in my life, but I am so excited for the ride. I am about to be 27 with a Master's Degree. That seems like not a lot of time left to live my life, but every day that I get to be happy, excited and just ready for a new day is another day I have. Something to look forward to, something to be motivated for and now I can continue to make plans, pray for different experiences and move forward in my life. I can devote more time to the things I love, to serving others to serving God and to just being happy and content with the little graces I have been given.
  There is a protection over my life and I am just so ready for the next chapter! God is sooo good!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

God is SOOO good!

Hey y'all it has been a while since I have written. And by the title of this blog, you can only get that I am going to be talking about how AWESOME God has been in my life. I do not know if you believe in Him, but I want to tell you why I am so in awe of Him.
   A good friend of mine was recently in a car accident. She broke both her legs, she is missing a knee, she has a rod in one leg and is about to have a new knee and another rod in the other. She has a broken elbow and no other significant damage. I mean her face has like one or two scraps, not even visible unless you are right up close to her. She has some bruising on her pelvis, but that is all. For us, that seems like a lot. To say that is all, seems like an understatement. For one person to experience this especially someone in her early 20s, you would look at this situation and be so unsure of what comes next and how to proceed. But for HIM, this is a small stone.
   My friend is alive, when she could not have been, not only is she alive she is HERSELF. She is still full of energy, full of life. She is so full of FAITH, and so confident in His love for her that she is just- AWESOME!
 I have friends who have only heard "how bad the accident was," I have friends who are thinking the worst. I mean even I thought the worst until I spoke to her (via BBM) and realized it's Kathy, same ole Kathy, like nothing changed. She is so full of spirit and just so thankful to be alive and knows how much He loves her. And when you see her, all the fear and worry washes away.
  I went to the hospital this morning, only speaking to her via BBM- and yes as I mentioned when I got her message I knew she was good. But sometimes you have to see it. So I saw her today and just seeing her, that fear, that worry was lifted. I mean just lifted. And I am sure there are a lot of people who might be in her position who are in a different state than she is, but God has been so good to her, watching over her, protecting her, helping her through this, healing her. That I know she will bounce back from this like nothing happened.
  I just needed to share this. God has been an ever present grace in my life, I have not always been ready to receive Him until recently. Since I have come to have a stronger relationship with Him, I have just been blown away by all that He does, and all because He loves me. We do so much in life to tune Him out, to live it on our own, but He is more faithful than one could ever imagine. He stands by us even when we say we don't need Him, or want Him. He continues to love us through our imperfections. He knows our heart and loves us even though it is in dire need of repair.
  So to those of you who do not know God, ask Him to speak to you as you read this. Because He is so wonderful, so awesome, so loving, it will be the best gift you could ever receive.

Have a BLESSED night!

Monday, January 16, 2012

The lessons we learn

... i am a work in progress. That is all that I can say. I am not perfect, I do not strive for perfection, but I do strive to get to know myself a little better. With time I make some mistakes, but I learn from them, hopefully I grow from them and continue to create a better version of  me each minute, hour and day.
   I am recently going through some drama with a friend. A person that I thought was really a good friend, one that would be there for a while. But when I think more about the friendship I am left with this realization that we didn't really know each other at all. Not that I am a shady person, but I sort of felt that I had to fit within this molded, perfect version of myself to be worthy of her friendship. So there are pieces of my life that I do not tell her or let her really know about.
  Furthermore, over the years and as we moved colleges, we grew a part. The things that I used to rely on her for advice turned into these one sided conversations. She wasn't really there to support me when I needed it and unfortunately it took me this long to say that. I don't think anything bad about her, in the time that she's been my friend she's been there when I needed someone to talk to, to laugh with to just have a friend. But the reality is we are two very different people that have been holding on to these two very different images of the other person. I was thinking about it and in the 5 years I have known her we have never had a falling out or conflict, I mean my best friend and I have never had a falling out and I have known her all of my life, but that is a very different story, she is my best friend we grew up together, she is my oldest friend and we are more like sisters than anything else. But the point is, I have known this other friend for almost 5 years. I do not know what makes her angry, I do not know how she deals with that type of anger, I do not know what she gets sad about aside from her need to be in a relationship. But these are all things I would think I would learn over the time of knowing someone. Maybe we were just acquaintances?
   But I know I have some wrong in this conflict, obviously something I said made her angry-unfortunately I do not know what that is. And what she doesn't know about me, is that I do not stew on things for too long. Eventually I get passed it and move on, with or without the other person. So while she's waiting to tell me what I did wrong, I am already moving past our friendship. I just do not have the time to invest in something like this if I do not know what the problem was in the first place and waiting two months later for her to tell me is ridiculous. Because for sure in two months my attention span will be on to something else. So what lessons do I learn from this.
  I know I am not perfect, I know that I say what I feel and sometimes it is ugly, but what people should realize is that when I was younger I used to be the person who would tell you directly- that what I said to one person be sure the person it was about would know or already did know. But as I have gotten older, I have been more aware of other people's feelings so I have moved from those decisions to using the people in my life to be a sounding board- if I feel this way should I say x,y,z to someone else. If in those moments someone finds out my feelings, it is not something I feel I need to apologize for, it wasn't something that I meant for another person to find out, especially when I find out that I am actually wrong for how I was feeling. For the people in my life, or the ones who choose to be in the future, I think they need to realize and understand that works in progress take time. I cannot to commit to changing if I am unaware of what needs to be changed.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

SO CUTE!! and yes I AM having a girly moment...

When it comes to relationships, I am a work in progress... I don't know how to get into relationships, like the dating game is beyond me.. Once I'm in relationships it gets a little bit easier, but the people I have had relationships with have been friends of mine.. Good friends of mine before I started going out with them. And for a long time, once I got into the relationship it was a matter of weeks before I was ready to call it quits.
   On that end, I am not the girly, sentimental person that most people think. But on an emotional level in other areas of my life, I love love. I love sappy commercials, I am a sucker for quotes. I love romantic movies. I guess in some senses people would say I am a hopeless romantic, even though I don't think I want those same things out of my love life.
  So you might be wondering where this is coming from? Well I was sitting on my couch watching TV and the following commercial came on

One! I LOVE Rachel McAdams, 2 I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Channing Tatum and the two of them together in a movie like this is bound to make anyone a little emotional. I feel like Christmas just came all over again seeing the trailer to this film. So for my Valentine's Day, I am treating myself to this film! Yes I will be that one lone ranger on yet another Valentine's Day watching a sappy movie. And who knows maybe in  a little over a month I'll have someone to go watch the movie with. Yeah right!!

Ladies, Ladies, Ladies... We have got to be bigger than the drama!

So I think by now y'all know that I LOVE my reality TV. I mean I LOVE my reality TV. I can sit and watch " Keeping up with the Kardashian's," "The Real Housewives" of whatever, "Basketball Wives," and now my new guilty pleasure is "Love & Hip Hop." What is frustrating about watching these shows, is 1- watching the women changing once they get behind the camera for a while and 2- the image that these women are portraying. Aside from a few of the shows, the majority of the shows I watch are about minority women. Already we have a curve we have to overcome. We are women, we are minorities AND with that means these preconceived notions of what we are supposed to be like.
   When creating her concept- "Basketball Wives," Shaunie O'Neal said that she wanted a show that would be empowering for women, highlighting what the women she showcased were doing outside of the lives of being an athlete's woman. These women were business savvy, were supposed to be uplifting and somewhat role models for a generation that is tapped out of these positive role models. Some of the vision that she wanted got away from the reality of pop culture. Positivity doesn't sell unfortunately and reality or not, these women want to be on top, so the images we get are strong women, crying over love (not to say that is weak, but when we talk about empowering.. eh), we get women talking down to other women, we get women calling this or that out their names. We have women degrading women more than the guys do and it's frustrating because while it can be entertainment at times, it is so disrespectful and something that as a woman, we hope never happens to us. And that's where the truth lies, what we see on TV is something that we hope doesn't really happen to us, but we keep feeding the same crap because we are watching it all the time.
  Why is it okay for women, Black women and Hispanic women to act the way they do on these shows. Why is there always a fight, one girl saying something about a lack of loyalty, and half the time these women don't even understand loyalty themselves, but they want everyone else to be down for them. Some of the things these women go through is a lesson- their ups and downs with love. How they handle it, them getting through the stress of not knowing what will happen. In the case of " Love & Hip Hop,"  you have a woman like Emily, in love with a guy who is not ready to commit, who won't acknowledge her as his the woman in his life, yet they are "playing" house. You got Chrissy (who despite some of her shortcomings- I'll acknowledge that she goes to blows too quickly) and Jim who have been together for a minute, she says she loves him and wants the next step from him but until recently he hadn't been there yet. It's frustrating because these women can be great examples of the strong women, role models that are missing, doing their own thing. Emily with her fashion line, the other women trying to get their music thing up. But yet they perpetuate these ideals, that they need a man, and that it's them against the world. Sometimes we get moments of these women lifting each other up. The way Chrissy goes hard for Olivia's music ambition. She's always the one singing in the front row, or at a table, so enthusiastic about Olivia's dream. That is powerful, that is the image that we (Black women and minorities) should have promoted. One of true sisterhood, that despite the situations we find ourselves in, we are capable of lifting each other up.
  Watching these shows is frustrating, because one it promotes a negative image of the women. I was talking to my boss about these shows and he was saying " What do men think about these women?" Ultimately, these images are what the world sees- "the angry Black woman", " the ghetto woman,"  women who are loud, always fighting and just not supportive. This is not how we are, so the question is where are our positive images?
  And if these examples are all we have, why can't we show the good things that they are doing. Why do we allow society to continue to present the image of us that we do not associate with?


Sunday, January 8, 2012

I rocked in 2012 and it rocked me back into reality

Hey y'all, I hope that your 2012 has been off to a good start. The ending of 2011 was such an amazing blessing that I was so looking forward to 2012. I had found a Church home, and have been blessed with great and consistent friends who have taught me, laughed with me, cried with me and cherished me over the last few years and more. I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with school and while I have fears about the next steps in my life, I am building confidence in the Faith that I will be taken care of.
   I spent NYE in New Orleans with a good friend of mine and we had a great time. I made changes in my life, as I prepare for the half marathon I am running I have decided to cut alcohol out of my system. Probably will be for good, but for now the half marathon is what is motivating me to cut it out. I have committed to getting more involved in my Church and have made choices and considerations to the future.
  2012 rang in with a bang and then reality hit. I got back to DC and work and school to realize that adversity is my middle name. Faced with a cancellation of my financial aid, not knowing what will happen with my classes, unsure of whether or not I will have a job at the end of the year. Reminded that time waits for no one, understanding that I am 26 and no where closer to the love that I hope to be in. Basically let's just say the first week of 2012 brought back a lot of doubt that I would be able to reach the goals that are right at my finger tips. Furthermore, someone who I thought was a good friend, is now having doubts in our friendship. Angry about things that have not yet been revealed to me and caused me to really wonder about what type of person I am. I know that I have a heart that is open, but when the people who I would least expect to be angry with me, turn against me I wonder what have I done. The truth is, we haven't been the best of friends over the last few years. I mean we talk, but we haven't been close. I think that the recent close proximity of the two of us has been challenging, because we are beginning to see that we are in two different places. I know that for me personally, I need us to work on being better friends, if she even wants to be better friends. I am at a loss to know what I have done to make her angry, because I have never seen this side of her before. But part of me is resistant to wanting to pursue anything else. Partially because I don't know how to move forward. I am hurt that she can not talk to me about it, and instead chooses to ignore me. It's frustrating when I want to work something out, and am not giving the opportunity to do so.
  So my church is fasting for 21 days, I think it couldn't come at a better time considering that I am having the best start to 2012 EVER! So through this 21 days of fasting and prayer I am praying for revelations, that I become humble and grow in His Grace. I love the Lord, He has done and continues to do some remarkable things in my life. I can only hope to continue to live on the path He has created for me and for no other reason but for His mercy and grace. The character of my spirit will grow because of how I live my life, the way He lived/s.
  Let's just say, there is nothing different in 2012 then 2011 in the fact that there is no rest, I still have to grind for what it is that I want to achieve, but I have a mighty power and strength behind me. A friend in Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What I have learned from Kim and Kris

Hey y'all so you're probably looking at this and wondering what the heck- This woman that I have been following for a while cannot seriously be about to school me on Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries, and well yes, yes I am. Why? Because there is a lot to learn from them.

Allow me to school you for just a second. And I know I do not have a degree in psychology.

  I get that people believe the hype- 72 day marriage, celebutante, young b-ball star asking for drama. I'm not saying that I am the best friend that gets it, but I get it. There is a lot to learn from Kim and Kris' relationship whether you believe it or not. There are two sides to every story and luckily the Kardashian brand puts their story in front of the entire world to see. I know that everyone painted Kim to be an attention queen and the tabloids portrayed Kris as the young athlete that didn't know how to keep his wife and settle down etc. And some of these things are true- sorry Kardashian's I love your show, but it's true. Kim's career is important to her, every decision she makes in the spotlight is calculated, she is thinking about her brand and how to propel her to the next level. This is something that she has wanted for a long time and people might not believe that she deserves to be in the spotlight that she is in, but let's face it, she EARNED it. We are hooked, she is on the cover of magazines, in commercials, films. She is talked about all the time and regardless of whether we as a society pay that much attention to her, there is a plethora of people who do.
 Kris, he is young, fell in love with an ambitious, older woman who he put a lot of faith in. He comes from a small intimate family, in a small little town that he loves. Grew up in a very different environment and probably with very different ambitions. Maybe not being as involved in the spotlight as much as she is. A little more reserved a little more grounded  in the sort of every day average family lifestyle. Not the Hollywood every day in your face spotlight. It was fun being attached to one of the world's "most wanted women" and then to add that he loves her and she loves him, hello!

So now put those two together. They meet, they like each other they start falling in love. And with the accelerated lifestyle that Kim has they rapidly walk down the aisle and now have the pressures of the world to deal with. Watching this season's Kourtney and Kim take New York has opened my eyes to so many things. Kris and Kim are asking all of the questions about their relationship that they should have done BEFORE they got married- where are they going to live, do they want kids, when, what parts of their lifestyle do they both have to change. It's one thing. Compromises have to be made, sacrifices need to as well. For Kris he needs to recognize that the wife he wants, someone who is ambitious but supports the family lifestyle that he is used to is not Kim. He keeps comparing Kim to Khloe and it's causing drama between the two sisters. In Kris' defense he loves the balance that he sees in Khloe and Lamar's relationship and he wants time with his wife. In Kim's defense she is on a rollercoaster ride that isn't slowing down and he doesn't get it- only in my opinion.  I think they really come from two different worlds, but they didn't take the time to work out those differences.
 Kim's family is like mine, we KNOW practically everything. You don't just marry one of us you marry the entire clan, not that decisions are made with the entire family alone, but there are some of those decisions that have to be made as a couple and I don't think they- Kim and the rest of the Kardashian clan understand that or respect that when another member joins the family.
  Ultimately there has to be a person who can really "Keep up" with them. I feel bad for Kris, he is young, was in love and probably way over his head, dealing with the increase of fame he was getting while still wanting his own autonomy. Kim is 30, not that much older in retrospect, but she understands the business aspect of Hollywood, she has built an empire and it is continuing to grow, she essentially is in her prime and there is no chance that she is going to slow down.
  So their marriage is over, what do we learn:
  1. Communication is key
  2. Patience in love, if you are meant to be, you can wait- find out the details of each person
  3. DO NOT move in with another family (Kim & Kris moving in with Scott, Kourtney and Mason) not the best move when you are Newlyweds, there is a lot of growth that happens.

I wish them the best in what comes next and I hope they learn from the mistakes of the past and maybe we can take a little bit from them too.