Thursday, February 9, 2012

God is SOOO good!

Hey y'all it has been a while since I have written. And by the title of this blog, you can only get that I am going to be talking about how AWESOME God has been in my life. I do not know if you believe in Him, but I want to tell you why I am so in awe of Him.
   A good friend of mine was recently in a car accident. She broke both her legs, she is missing a knee, she has a rod in one leg and is about to have a new knee and another rod in the other. She has a broken elbow and no other significant damage. I mean her face has like one or two scraps, not even visible unless you are right up close to her. She has some bruising on her pelvis, but that is all. For us, that seems like a lot. To say that is all, seems like an understatement. For one person to experience this especially someone in her early 20s, you would look at this situation and be so unsure of what comes next and how to proceed. But for HIM, this is a small stone.
   My friend is alive, when she could not have been, not only is she alive she is HERSELF. She is still full of energy, full of life. She is so full of FAITH, and so confident in His love for her that she is just- AWESOME!
 I have friends who have only heard "how bad the accident was," I have friends who are thinking the worst. I mean even I thought the worst until I spoke to her (via BBM) and realized it's Kathy, same ole Kathy, like nothing changed. She is so full of spirit and just so thankful to be alive and knows how much He loves her. And when you see her, all the fear and worry washes away.
  I went to the hospital this morning, only speaking to her via BBM- and yes as I mentioned when I got her message I knew she was good. But sometimes you have to see it. So I saw her today and just seeing her, that fear, that worry was lifted. I mean just lifted. And I am sure there are a lot of people who might be in her position who are in a different state than she is, but God has been so good to her, watching over her, protecting her, helping her through this, healing her. That I know she will bounce back from this like nothing happened.
  I just needed to share this. God has been an ever present grace in my life, I have not always been ready to receive Him until recently. Since I have come to have a stronger relationship with Him, I have just been blown away by all that He does, and all because He loves me. We do so much in life to tune Him out, to live it on our own, but He is more faithful than one could ever imagine. He stands by us even when we say we don't need Him, or want Him. He continues to love us through our imperfections. He knows our heart and loves us even though it is in dire need of repair.
  So to those of you who do not know God, ask Him to speak to you as you read this. Because He is so wonderful, so awesome, so loving, it will be the best gift you could ever receive.

Have a BLESSED night!

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