Thursday, March 6, 2014


Hello there.. This is a moment when I share more of my truths a little bit more. If you have been following my blog then you have gotten a little taste of who I am at the core. So here is another part of the layer being pulled off.

 The news lately has been covered in the sudden death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman. As the news continued to cover his death, it was determined that he struggled with a drug addiction and had overdosed at the time of his death.

Whenever I hear of people dying of drug addiction it definitely strikes a chord with me. I mean I spent the larger part of my high school career counting the grade I was in, by the drugs I did. While I am blessed to live now.  It saddens me that there are many people who aren't that lucky. Those of us who were in my circle have the stories of a friend, or ourselves who went in too deep. We will carry mistakes and choices with us for the rest of our lives. And every time we hear that someone died from a drug overdose, or whose path just turned them far from the person they once were, the thoughts that at least go through my head, are "Thank God I was saved." I feel for the families and friends left behind. I feel for the families and friends who have to worry as much as they do, that they will not be the story plastered over the news. There are countless others who are not as well known as the actors who have recently died from the effects of a drug addiction.

To them this post is for you....

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Finding my words...

... Hey Y'all
 It has been a while since I have written. Trying to get my sea-legs.. For someone like myself who loves speaking, who has a fascination with words etc, it is definitely a test when I am tasked with finding my own voice.

For those of you who don't know I am active on social media, follow my tweets- @njc89 . In the mornings I am known by my friends and followers for posting different quotes and comments to get people motivated for the day. My brother-n-law has been an active cheerleader, in wanting the "Morning Inspirations" as they are aptly titled to inspire motivation for others, but he wants to encourage me to use my own voice. Which has put me in the biggest road block and one of the biggest moments of discomfort.

I love quotes, I love what other people's words have done to inspire me. But to think of my life and that which motivates me in 140 characters or less, is a lot to think about. I don't sit around writing those great thoughts that come to my head. Although I could make a claim that I should spend more time doing so.

So with that for those of you who follow my words both in this blog and through my other spheres, please be in agreement with me that I find my words.

That my discomfort does not cause lack for those who are looking and seeking that inspiration.

-That's all she wrote...