Thursday, December 27, 2018

What I'm Reading: The Sisterhood by Ps. Bobbie Houston

When I was a kid my parents and really, I think more so, my dad, maintained that my love of reading would have some sort of knowledge acquisition element. He probably also stated my love of critical thinking and writing without even knowing it.

When I was a kid every book I read and particularly over the summer was followed by a book report. I loved reading but those of you with a secondary degree, probably have reasoned that reading for fun is something you yearn for, but might not get to accomplish, even as your Amazon wish lists continue to grow.

Over the last few years I've been able to reclaim my joy of reading through a book club with my sister and just finally catching a rhythm in work and life. So I might as well return to the lessons my dad taught me and share what I've learned....

The Sisterhood By Pastor Bobbie Houston

 I posted some thoughts about  this book on my Instagram (@KJC89) and I wanted to take a moment to expand upon those thoughts. 

Power of Persistent Prayer
I've always been someone who fully believes in the power of PERSISTENT Prayer! 
What I mean by that is, I know the life I am walking in is because of the prayers that have gone before me, the prayers that cover me and sustain me in those ups and downs of life. 

So when I read this book, I am equally blessed and in awe of what God has stirred in the heart of a woman across the world and through her blessed my life and others with her pursuit of what God has envisioned for her, her church and the community she leads. 

When I read the Bible, I am often in search of my journey being reflected in the Bible. I am constantly seeking my heart to be aligned with the wisdom and character of those that have gone before. The great men and women who trusted God in every season and have their names forever marked in history. 

This book for me though captures the stories of those of us whose lives have not and will not be written into this GREAT book. It shows the lives of those of us who continue on. 

There is something about this book and time (literal) time. To read the beginnings of a movement Sisterhood and to be walking in that movement is such a glorious thing. It is awe-inspiring. It is a testament to the GLORY of GOD and all that He has purposed for His children. 

As a leader in my church and as we continue to build up our women's ministry it is a great blessing to have something tangible to reference to know we are not in it alone. And to also pay our respect and honor to a visionary whose obedience and persistent prayer blesses our here and now. It is a tremendous honor to also see in real time, God's blessing. To reflect on Ps. Bobbie's beginnings. Her vision and to see the women added to the narrative she is speaking,  who continue to lead boldly towards that vision. 

She may never know us by name, but in heaven we will get to rejoice with her and thank her for her obedience to God's whisper in her life. To know where we come from to see the foundation she laid, as we stand in the present and the path forward is a beautiful gift in this tapestry of life. 

It's almost as if you could be in place and time reading your grandmother's and mother's journals while raising a child of your own, if that makes any sense--- and funny that this is the visual I get given that I am not yet a mother. 

A Vision and Commissioning
This becomes a little more personal. This book was vision affirming. 

I started 2018 seeking God for vision in my life. You see I have a master's degree and if I am honest with myself, I never gave myself a chance to dream beyond just receiving my master's degree. 

The last few years have been a struggle, I lost myself a bit and I suffered greatly. But I knew that God could redeem and I knew that in order to start dreaming for myself for what my future could hold, I needed to understand what God purposed for me and planned for me. The vision is a little blurry still, in that I am seeing it from a distance so not all of the shapes and colors are clear, but the theme is growing in my heart and for that I am grateful. 

I am seeing my heart burst with joy when I feel like some of what God has purposed for me is being actualized--- particularly in serving Him. So as I read this book I am THANKFUL.

I am THANKFUL because I see a vision that God set in Ps. Bobbie's heart coming true through the experiences that are lived for my church. But I am also THANKFUL because I see myself in the vision and purpose that is displayed as well. 

For a long time I felt that I needed to DO something in order to make a difference in the world around me. And that is true, God doesn't just call us to a life that is saved, He calls us to a life that is purposes a life that is lived in serving Him. 

And also in that, I think some times we short the power of prayer, that because we can't physically or financially meet a need that we can't do anything. I am in a space right now of lacking, it's not deep lack, but I have big dreams, I see things that I desire and know that right now my focus continues to be growing in discipline in being a better steward of my finances, it's taking some time but soon enough I will have it down. However, in that I have realized that prayer doesn't just come in the moments of sorrow, but Prayer--- one of, if not THE most powerful things we can do as Christ-Followers is a BIG thing. 

Prayer, brings heaven down. Prayer sees miracles. Prayer reaches the deepest darkest crevices of the world and a persons heart and let's them know that God is with them even if they don't know it. 

Through this year, my prayer life has opened wider. That bit about Persistent Prayer isn't always just for specific people directly in my life but the thread of stories that are connected--- a Tsunami hitting a community, the recent fires in California. Hearing stories of homelessness and praying for all those impacted. Reading that the temperature is going to below freezing and knowing that there are families living in the streets--- prayer reaches places where my money, my well wishes, my words cannot. 

I don't know Ps. Bobbie in real life, but I feel like I catch a glimpse of her heart when I read her books. 

She spent Chapter Eleven titled "Colorful Threads (The Friendships) and highlighted the women in her life that she is choosing to honor. In reading this chapter I was brought to tears (lately it seems like it doesn't take much--- that is another post), but what struck me is honestly, that someone can take the time to speak honor and respect to and about people for all to see. Currently in this day and time, we are seeing people being cut down left and right and to be able to see a woman honor her dear friends with such colorful and vibrant words is beautiful. 

It also spoke to the character of these women and what I hope might be said or written about me in my future. 

The thing is, what I gather the most from these paragraphs about her friends and also honestly what I am gathering about this life I am leading is that we get to be ALL IN to something that is so much bigger than what we could have ever imagined. 

I said before, we aren't just called to be saved. But we are called to be USED. I pray often, "Lord, use me as your vessel. Give me the eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart that moves for Your Will." A powerful and bold prayer that literally means I have to surrender. I have to quiet the busyness of my life to see and hear God to be obedient to His word. That I get that beyond my own salvation, my life is meant to be a reflection of God for others as well. THAT is a part of my purpose- Glorifying God through my life and actions in how I honor Him. 

If you choose to read this, you will be more than blessed. Let the words of this delightful woman touch your heart. Minister to your broken places, free you and build you up to be used for God's glory. 

I pray that you see yourself in the pages of her vibrant words as I did. I pray that God speaks to you as He spoke to me through these words and that you use this book not merely as a good read, but as something that will continue to build you up and grow you up for more. 

Ps. Bobbie, thank you for your heart. Thank you for your obedience. Your yes  has and is changing my life. 
My Recommendation: 
 Read this book! It will certainly open your heart to something BIGGER than you. And it will validate probably the stirrings in your heart of seeking, desiring and wanting more for your life and honestly for wanting more to contribute in the world around you. 

That's all she wrote folks... see you again soon