Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In honor of Memorial Day and all the troops that serve...

Hey ya'll so I know that you can sort of read into a person's life from the music that they listen to, but I wanted to share a little bit more about me. I am EXTREMELY political and world conscious!! And Memorial Day always brings up HUGE ordeals etc because of every one's stance on war etc. And given that today is a different climate than it was during WWI and on, I mean 9/11 changed the face of the world and the way we fight wars and see wars. Needless to say I would love to live in a world without war, but I think that the positions I often hear is "I don't support the troops because I don't support war," I think is a little too extreme.
I find it confusing, because to me the two are not hand in hand. I mean yes you have to have troops in order for war to be fought, but there is an institution of war and war mentality that goes further than the troops and that needs to be corrected before the troops can be removed from any situation. And irregardless, people are dying on both ends. So Memorial Day is a day that we remember and pay honor to those many soldiers that have died, but I take it a step further and remember all those who have died at the hand of war- because in the end what suffers the most is world peace in general.
My belief, " I support the troops, but I do not support war." I think it is bad enough watching young men and women dying left and right for a cause they might not necessarily believe in but have no other choice. For instance in the United States a majority of the military personnel come from poor, or lower middle class backgrounds. Joining the military is a means to provide support for their families and for their future etc. Children of immigrant backgrounds make up a percentage as well, given that it is one way in which they "prove" their citizenship etc.
But no matter how it begins the point is lives are lost, lives that are in their own way attempting to provide freedoms for us at home. Given, like I said there are other means in which we could provide these freedoms but until the government and for that matter the people of this nation decide how we go about this than we will continue to use the resources (i.e. people's lives) to do it.

Anyways, my blood boils when I hear these comments, although I understand the premise, I don't really follow.
And so a song to go with this, from the great MJ <3

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