Monday, June 28, 2010

BET Music Awards 2010

So last night was the 2010 BET Music Awards, I don't generally talk about award shows because for the most part the sort of fail. But overall, this was one of the best ones that I have seen. Withe memorable performances, and a great host in Queen Latifah herself! It was well played.
One of my favorite performances has to go to none other than Chris Brown. He was introduced by Jermain Jackson in a roundabout way. Jermaine comes out on stage and talks about what a trying year this has been. Remember we just had the year anniversary of MJ's death on June 25th. So he talks about the trying year, he reminds us of Janet's speech at last year's BET Awards and then he basically give BET a moment to redeem themselves by saying this is the tribute the is much deserved and long over due. Immediately I knew CB was going to be the performer. He is the closest thing to MJ in his dancing ability etc. And I sort of cheated- his Twitter feed read " I am shitting a brick right now!" moments before he went on.
Needless to say, his performance was powerful all the way through. Now I know that the papers and the blogs are probably lit up with, is it appropriate, was it necessary etc. Let's be honest, BET dropped the ball last year and in this battle of who is the best MJ imitator, hands down it is Chris Brown. I mean really! Watch the video below and tell me he doesn't kill the MJ talent contest.
Now the appropriateness is on two levels, Chris Brown has been out of the limelight due to his less than admirable anger issues against Rhianna. Do I think what he has done should be taken lightly. No, but I think that he was tried in a court and served a punishment that was given to him. And he will have to live with what he did for the rest of his life, so he has a life sentence. But everyone deserves a chance to be redeemed. And there are people out there, my friends included, who feel that Chris Brown owes the fans an apology. To be honest, I don't think he does. I think too often we get involved in celebrities lives and we get to wrapped up in the people that they are that we forget that they are human. And if it was us that made a mistake, we would want to be able to redeem ourselves in our own way and on our own time. He owes no one, but himself, Rhianna and God an apology for the mistakes that he made. He knows he let the fans down, but that is his burdent o bear not mine to hang over him every time he goes out.
So here is my theory. CB gave the performance of his life last night. His idol is gone. And yes I know we all talk about idols, MJ was mine. I cry every time I am reminded that his genius is no longer with us. But CB since he has been out has only paid respect to MJ. His 18th birthday was a tribute to MJ, he does MJ performances and tributes in his concerts and at parties. So after a hectic year, he is able to give MJ the tribute that is long overdue (for BET) and also in a way shed his own dead weight. What better song to have him close the performance out with than "Man in the Mirror," because we all have to look inside ourselves and find our own faults and fix them before we can judge others and ask them to fix themselves. So I think this song did CB some justice- yes he broke down. Wouldn't you, a person that you respected is gone, and you weren't able to give him the proper tribute you wanted because you were going through your own things and finally when you are able it is overwhelming. I think MJ would be proud of that moment. MJ never wanted to stifle anyone from living to their potential. He laughed and enjoyed the show when people wanted "to be like him."
I give it to Chris Brown to get out there and do his best. I would have liked to see Jermain come out and help CB finish the song, that to me would have been fitting, but the crowd did assist CB and I guess in a way that is what MJ would have wanted, his fans remembering his legacy in that way.
I talk about it all the time, change starts with you. Chris Brown has a long way to go before I think the rest of the world will fully accept him and welcome him back into the fold. But for me, I am happy to see him returning. I just wish people would be a little more receiving. But let this also be a lesson. Change is also knowing when not to fall down a certain path, so to the young men who might read this blog, know your own strength, know your anger limits and learn to walk away!

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