Thursday, July 24, 2014

Identity: Can you ever really be satisfied?

Hey Y'all:
 It's been a while since I have posted. We are participating in professional development training for my team and job on campus. This past year has been a little taxing in that the team has kind of been influx, with so many transitions in and out of the team.

So yesterday we had a session that sparked this thought- a question was asked of us in evaluating our thoughts- "Do you have a better understanding of your identity in participating in this session?" So here I was, reading this question and going, when can you EVER really have an understanding of your identity. Here's my take, your identity and sense of self is always in flux. Why?

Think about it today I am a single woman, educated, Haitian-American/Black, female, religious etc.. But let's focus on transitional identities. For me I am happy being single, but this will change. I will be married, a mother, so in that how can I answer if I have a better understanding of my identity?  Can I ever really be, when each year I grow and become a little more comfortable with my identity.

Food for thought....

I don't know if I have an answer or if there is really a right or wrong answer, but it is interesting to think about.

....That's all she wrote...

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