Sunday, January 1, 2017

Here's to RESOLVING no more

 As 2016 FINALLY comes to a close, I felt like many that I couldn't just wait for it to be over. This year has been strange to say the least. Going into 2016 with so much hope, excitement and joy, is now ending in such a crazy way. It's easy for people to be disheartened and discouraged by the year that we have had. It's easy to understand why people are over 2016; frustrated by 2016. In many ways speaking about 2016 as if it is an entity. But what was the good?

In my reflections about resolutions they are the goals that individuals set forth for the year. More often than not the goals do not get achieved and what one looks forward to in ringing in the next new year is to release regret.

I don't want to live a life of regret, that is not in me or what I desire. So instead of setting goals in this fashion I just want to look forward to the bottom line---getting to know me a little bit more.

2016 was a tough year, it was challenging personally, professionally, spiritually all of those facets. I didn't get to see my family as much as I wanted to, I am still understanding what it means for me to be single; professionally I was stretched in ways that were painful; spiritually I was able to build a stronger broader relationship with God the Father. And through all those trials and challenges, I was also favored and blessed. I got to see the world around me change, I lived another day to tell people that I care about, that I care about them. I get to dream these big dreams and watch more opportunities come my way.  I got to fall in love with myself. Continuing to enjoy the person I am growing into and that at the foundation is ALL that is needed!

In 2017 I want to grow spiritually, I want to continue to discover who I am, who I have been purposed to be through God's provision. Out of that flourishes all of my other needs--- Finances, travel, generosity.

So when I think about the change of the year, am I excited to let some things stay in 2016-- YES! But I am also pleased with each minute of the last 365 days because it got me one minute, one day, one week, one year closer to the me I am now.

I am changed and changing still

That's all she wrote folks! Happy New Year! May your new year bring you a little closer to knowing who you are!

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