Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Saying "Thank you" to 2013 and "Hello" 2014

Hey there...
  This will be my last post of the 2013 year. I have been seeing a lot of people's posts on Social Media and other places ecstatic to be ringing in the new year. Many have selected a few memories that highlight their 2013, others have basically said good riddance and see you later to the year, counting down the last hours where they get to reclaim a part of their lives.

I guess I used to be one of those people. Looking forward to the new year to start over. But the reality is we don't start over we just continue the next chapter of our lives. We aren't necessarily reinventing ourselves, we are simply building upon and hopefully learning from the lessons of the past.

As I close out this year I am captivated by Psalm 50:7-15 "Make Thankfulness your sacrifice to God." As I look back on the year, there are a lot of things that didn't go as I had planned, but the reality is they went as HE had! He works all things (good and bad, whether I willed it or not) for MY good. That is one amazing thing to stand on. And for that I am Thankful. I am Thankful for another day, another year where I get to draw close to Him. To be a better example of His love for the world. Because at the end of this life, it's not about how many times we reinvent ourselves, it's really about how did we honor the blessing He gave us.

I am thankful for each and every ugly, beautiful, sad, emotional, invigorating, vibrant, playful, energetic moment I have gotten to breathe these last 365 days and these last 28 years.

 I am looking forward to the mistakes I make, to the lessons I learn, to the joys of being simply human, imperfect, but most of all BLESSED!

Happy Last Day of 2013!!!

See you in the New Year!!

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