Hey y'all so I signed up for this really great blog- event (for lack of a better term). Anyway it's a really interesting deal. It's called REVERB and well what it does, is you are subscribed to this "event" and everyday they send you a prompt to write about. So I will blog talking about this experience, or prompt and then I post it to my Twitter and wait for the next one. I have been in sort of a slump with life the last couple of weeks. So here goes nothing.. Are you ready?
One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you're
choosing that word. Now, imagine it's one year from today, what would you
like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
The word that encapsulates the year 2010 for me is FREEDOM!
I have spent most of my life, correction. I have spent most of my adult life living it in other people's terms- whether it was getting away from what my life could be from the examples of my mother. Or finally releasing everything I was holding on to. this year was about me finding myself and being comfortable with myself. Freedom best describes this journey I have been on in the last year, that my life is mine alone, and I am more blessed than ever to make the most of whatever this life will bring me.
As for 2011, the word that I hope will best capture the year for me is GROWTH. While learning more about myself and finally living my life for me, this year had its trials. And every year I hear people say I can't wait until next year for things to get better. Well I want the end of 2011 to be something that I am thankful for, because during that year I took the time to learn more about myself and gain experiences that I wouldn't normally have gained. So at the end of this period I want to know that I grew up or into a better version of myself.
Here's to the experience.
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