Imagine yourself five years from now. What advice would you give your current self for the year ahead? (Bonus: Write a note to yourself 10 years ago. What would you tell your younger self?)
This is funny,because I tend to do this already as it is. Every birthday I reflect on the life I have and the life I want to make sure that I am on the right track to achieving those goals.
So 5 years from now, I would hope to be a top Political Analyst in some fashion working on public policy for a huge non-profit or Government Agency. Advice for my future self:
Stay true to yourself and the values that you hold dear. The road ahead is not going to be an easy one by far and the road you have journeyed on so far is a testament of that truth. So for your future self, I hope that you are very happy, focused and living the life that you have wanted. I know that serving is something that means a lot to you and I hope that you have at least let go of the concern and fear of not being successful. When I say that I wish you were happy, I wish that you were happy and free from the chains of your own fear. Without letting anything hold you back. You tend to hold on to a lot of pain that while you know that you can be successful you let that pain turn into doubt and you wait constantly for the other shoe to drop rather than being happy and content with the life that you are leading. So the advice I will give you, enjoy the life that you have. In five years if you aren't married and having kids I hope that you are at least enjoying your life, traveling and seeing the world the way that you want to. And know that if in 5 years the life you want isn't the one you have--it doesn't mean that that life still isn't great. As long as you can share it with good company, friends and family you will be very well off and all the better.
A letter to a past love:
Dear Keesha (age 15):
I know that the road ahead seems very bleak, considering the life that you have and the one that you had. It might seem now that things are never going to get better, that the life you live with your mother is going to become worse but I want to share something with you- YOU WILL SURVIVE it all. And there is this saying--Whatever doesn't kill you will make you stronger, I have to tell you that there is so much truth in that statement and you are a living testimony to that saying.
Don't look at the choices you are making as mistakes, there are many opportunities to change these choices but even these times in your life make you a so much better person in the future. You have lived the lifetime of three lives and it is simply amazing to see the woman that you have become.
Hold on to those nice qualities that you have, the one where you give the people in your life the benefit of the doubt before they disappoint you, the one where you allow your friends to get second chances etc. Because it only makes you a better and more loved person.
Most importantly the only thing I wish I could tell you at 15 is to have faith, continue to hold on to that innocence that you have and don't ever let it go.
With all the love in the world.
You at 25,
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