What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why?
This one is easy. I let go of a few things this year. Some of them were people and others were my own fears and things I let control me that I didn't know I was letting have so much power over me.
Let's start with the people. I let go of a person who was in my life that in my opinion was toxic. Whether she admitted it or not she was a little racist and it just didn't sit well with me to have that type of person in my life. There were comments that she would make about Black people, things that I didn't even think a sane person would say. Anyways, after a few comments that she made to other people about Black people and just her lifestyle and the fact that her Facebook status was always cluttered with drama, I felt it only right to let go of her in my life.
Then there were things that I let go in my life. I have had many interesting circumstances happen to me in my life. When I was 12 my parents got a divorce. By the time I turned 13 my mother had abducted me and moved me to California. I have for the most part lived my life in reaction to those circumstances and this year I chose to let go of this way that I lived my life and start living my life for myself. So with the help of weekly counseling sessions, many tears and a few blogs I have begun the process of letting it all go. So I am letting go of the person who lived her life in the shadow of the other things that have happened.
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