What healed you this year? Was it sudden, or a drip-by-drip evolution? How would you like to be healed in 2011?
This year I was healed by going to a counselor. I have been back and forth to counselors over the years and I have felt that returning to this form of "treatment" as a way to get through all the funk I have been through over the years.
Was the healing sudden, no not really. It took months of sessions with my counselor before I started to feel somewhat normal. I am an avid supporter of therapy simply because I know the role it has played in my life and I have been very happy with it and wish to continue only because it is good to talk to someone who isn't involved in your everyday life. There is something fascinating that must be said about this relationship you have with a person and how much you let them into your life to just be an ear to listen to and a person to turn to when advice is needed.
Each session has it's low and high points, so the healing is drip-by-drip, day-by-day, session-by-session. Will I ever be completely healed? I don't know. How would I like to be healed in 2011 I don't know yet. I think everyone needs a little bit of healing but what determines that healing and how we go about getting it is always going to be different.
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