Monday, December 23, 2013

Open Letter to Chris Brown

Hey Y'all:
 A while back I had written an open letter to Chris Brown's fans (Team Breezy), the short version if you don't take a look at the link was that I was appalled with how a generation of people were making the most outrageous behavior when it came to supporting Chris Brown. These individuals called people out, were disgusting on all elements of social media and made me sad to be in the same category as them- a fan. Why, because Chris Brown has faced a lot of media scrutiny regarding his torrid past and is appalling behavior. Let me clarify my fandom for you. I like Chris Brown the artist. I think he is one of the most talented artists we have in the music industry. I think on some levels he could even be considered a musical genius. However, Chris Brown the person has a lot of growing up to do- and really no judgement because we all have an element of growing up to do. But my thing is, you can't keep making the same mistakes and expect your fans to ride for you through it all.

Recently Chris Brown got into a fight (again) in DC. We know he has anger management issues (Rihanna, Drake, Frank Ocean...).  In this recent case, Chris was allowed to go to rehab to deal with his anger management issues instead of going to jail for assault. Personally, send his butt to jail. I think that there comes a time that you need to be scared straight. He didn't really have jail time for the Rihanna situation and that was his blessing. He should have taken that as his moment of reconciliation and realized that he had a great opportunity to change. And for a while he did, or at least he tried. Well, Chris is in rehab- dealing with anger management. I still think he should have gone to jail and been sentenced to a court ordered therapist, but who am I. Regardless, his latest stint in the public eye has gotten me so frustrated.

It is really hard defending him as an artist when as a person he is just so ugh!

   So today Russell Simmons posted this lovely gem
and now I am outraged! Why does Chris Brown get to "take the day off from rehab?" Um, yes I get that he is doing a good dead, but you don't get to take the day off from fixing your life. I don't know what is troubling you dude, but I pray that you get it together. Hearing your music on the radio infuriates me, seeing posts like this make me so angry. I want to be able to give you a million and one chances, but the three I have allowed myself to give you have returned with me being bankrupt. 

So to whomever is out in his sphere of influence, please support him like you haven't before. Pray for him, build him up and really pray that whatever has a stronghold gets removed.

To Chris, I need you to not think about your fans, or the fame or whatever motivates you to be an artist. Because right now the image you put out, who you are and the legacy of your life are more important. At the end of your life what do you want to be remembered by? Because right now it's chalking up to be that you are just a class a JERK! 

Love a fan who cares enough to actually tell you the truth about yourself!

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