Saturday, January 1, 2011

#Reverb10- Prompt 28

What’s the thing you most want to achieve next year? How do you imagine you’ll feel when you get it? Free? Happy? Complete? Blissful? Write that feeling down. Then, brainstorm 10 things you can do, or 10 new thoughts you can think, in order to experience that feeling today.
To be honest next year I want to achieve financial stability. I think when I get it I will feel relieved. I have spent practically the majority of my adult life paying for school, or working hard to pay for an apartment and living expenses etc. I have had enough to keep a roof over my head and have food on the table. But I have had a hard time trying to build a substantial amount of savings when I am working paycheck to paycheck. It always seems too that when I have some money saved up it disappears quickly, for instance a week before finals I had saved over $300 to jump start my savings and to pay off my credit card. Well my computer crashed and I ended up losing the money that I had saved. It was frustrating and when I am living paycheck that burden is extremely stressful.
I think about the debt I have now, I have a credit card I need to pay off, I have a balance that I owe a friend and I have loans to pay off. And with no real stable job all of that is intense as heck. But you know what I understand what it takes in order to put me on the right path. I have to just continue to do what I need to to set a budget. Save money. That means reducing the amount of money I spend going out. putting a little money away a month in order to create some balance for myself and begin to set the tone for my future. I think the reason why this is so stressful right now is because I am realizing I am graduating in less than 2 semesters. I am supposed to look for an apartment starting in the summer and I don't have the financial base in order to get one right now. So YES I am FREAKING OUT!
The steps that I need to take in order to feel relieved is to slowly build up my base. Say a positive affirmation everyday and have faith that tom morrow and my future will be much better than my today. WHICH IT WILL!

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