Today in church we talked about how easy it is to repeat the false truths that the enemy throws our way, that we no longer listen to the promises of God. This continuous opening of our ears and sometimes our hearts can lead us to no longer believe in those promises and blessings He said were ours.
Sometimes in our lives we choose to dwell in the place that our circumstances have brought us. We choose to dwell in the trials that we are going through rather than walking through them. I have certainly been in those moments where I ALLOWED myself to sit, NO STEW, FERMENT in the pain and in the depression that is the trial I was going through.
But HE did not forsake us. He does not put us through these situations to test us and to see how much we weep. Nor does He put us through things in which we CAN be victorious! God our Father wants bless us, abundantly in ALL things (2 Corinthians 9:6-8). So why do we listen to the falseness of the enemy as if it is our truth?
I don't want to waste time dwelling on my lack-- and believe me I know that this is easier said than done. Instead I choose joy and celebrate my wealth.
- I am 27 years YOUNG
- I am college educated with not 1 BUT 3 degrees
- I have a hunger to learn
- I have a hunger to see more of the world we live in
- I am blessed due to the anointing that God has on my life
- I have a job that pays my bills TODAY (not paying for the bills I don't yet have) but the bills I have the fortune to be responsible for RIGHT NOW
- I have a job that provides FREE Housing
- I have a job that can be flexible when I take the time to make it that way :) (who said I wasn't a work in progress)
- I have a job that allows me to be a voice FOR and WITH the people I work for
- I have a job that allows me to be a mentor, to have the greatest power to impart wisdom and care into others
- I am BLESSED for and with TIME-- I can take vacations and enjoy those moments with friends and family (and yes Suze Orman, I might not be able to financially sustain it, but I choose to be happy right now and in the time that I have)
- I have an AWESOME church Foundation, who edify, bless and elevate me DAILY!!!
- I have a blessed family who shows me love and care unconditionally- sometimes in spite and despite of themselves at times
- I have the best friends who I cherish dearly and who have have given me the best place of influence through the lives of their children-- My 'Kinsies!!!
- I live in the most amazing city- the <3 li="" nation="" of="" this="">
- I live in the most amazing country where I can openly criticize and petition and change because I care
- I have breathe in my lungs
- I have a strong head on my shoulders
- I have a heart that yearns to give
- I have a spirit that wishes to do more- not for myself, but for others
- I have the POWER of forgiveness--- because let's be honest, holding on to anger, and hatred messes you up more than it does the other person
- I have great people in my life who support me, guide me, council me, pray for me and challenge me for my good
- I have a friend in God, who cares for me deeply
- I am able to do a lot--- run, jump, sing, move, be more and do more with my life
- I have REDEMPTION and RESTORATION in God the Father
- I CAN and WILL choose JOY 3>
Why 27, not just for the 27 years of my life, but how easy is it to come up with 5 or even 10 things to celebrate? And also because 7 is my lucky number...
It's easy to listen to all that continues to test you in the valley. To allow it to make you feel defeated. But choosing joy through your circumstances-- the good, the bad-- keep you on a FAITH path towards God. Choosing joy and celebrating and thanking Him for what He has blessed you with a continued connection and understanding of what He has promised. I'm not choosing joy for the "possibility of a blessed life," I am choose joy because He said it was so!
To my readers, to my followers and to my friends--choose joy in ALL things, for He will bless you ABUNDANTLY in ALL things. For those whom it is hard to choose joy, feel free to skim the past chapters of my life in the posts throughout this blog to see why choosing joy is something possible-- and more importantly, is the only choice when you have been through the things I have and can still stand here telling you that life is still amazing!
I stand with you walking it out, in Faith, knowing that He has already and will continue to bless you.
That's all she wrote folks!!!