Thursday, December 13, 2012

Looking forward to 2013

So I know the new year hasn't even come and gone yet, but I am looking forward to the new 2013. I am making my list and checking it twice of all the new things I want to do---


  1. Snowboarding weekend
  2. New Orleans in June
  3. Vegas for the 28th bday weekend!

  1.  Get involved in more volunteer experiences
  2.  Rock climbing
  3.  Run a half marathon
  4. Attend more professional happy hours

 I have yet to spend a weekend snowboarding, but I will!
 New Orleans and Vegas are all set!

I have been rock climbing and will be doing it more often.
Guess who ran a half marathon?!! This girl on March 16th, 2013 I completed my first Half Marathon. My goal time was to finish it in 2:45, I finished it in 2:48! AND IT FELT SOOOO GOOD!