.... Well at least for a night. ;) so this summer will be my third summer spent in DC and I feel like it's my third summer to actually get out and enjoy what this great place has to offer, so what does that mean? Well for me it meant that I created a list of things to do, with the help of friends and the 1,000s of websites that post about "things to do". So last night's adventure was the first of many. I decided to sign myself up for speed dating. OMG! I know, I am 25, is speed dating really the thing for me? And not to knock anyone who has done it, but I just don't think this is the outlet for me to find a date, I have held this belief that it would be a last resort. But I wanted a fun night on the town and to at least say I did it. So I convinced a friend of mine to come out with me and signed us up.
Turns out another friend of mine was down for the fun and he came too with one of his friends. Leading up to last night and the main event, I was an awkward bundle of nerves. Was I really going to go through with this and did I seriously think this was how I would find a date? Well, I think somewhere along the path of jumbled nerves and cold feet I decided that I would just have fun with it. If nothing else it would be a great networking opportunity for this rising star in Graduate School :) to mingle with other 20 or 30 somethings and hopefully find the next thing career leg up, or at leat the next opportunity to learn and grow. That went well.
We get to the location and everyone's eyes are on everyone else. Sizing us up looking around, it was awkward,but the truth was, I'm amongst 30 other people who are feeling the same way-- AWKWARD. The downside not many 20 somethings were male. The majority were in their 30s- nothing wrong with thatm, but not what I was looking for.
But this girl had 10, count 'em 10 dates! Look at me. No but really, it was a great opportunity to just sit and talk to people, meet someone new and see what if any connection there could be. I was appreciative of my friends who came with, who just had a good time and enjoyed the event for what it was, they made it exciting, they made it enjoyable and they and well the "Open Bar" helped to take the edge off.
For anyone who is thinking to take on the world of Speed Dating, do it at least once. Take it seriously, because the people you meet are. But most importantly have a little fun.
As for this girl, I'm putting up my Speed Dating nametag and crossing off one more thing on my DC Bucket List. It was fun, but not for me and not how I want to find that next special someone.