So there is this AMAZING song out on the airwaves now, and I just have to say that it is the PERFECT love song and just the perfect song for me right now.
It's by rising artist Bruno Mars and it's called "Just the Way You Are." Before I give you the lyrics and the song I want to just preface somethings. So first, I am a HUGE Justin Bieber fan.. I am not a closet, I really love his music and like Kim Kardashian said, "he has a little swag about him." His "Somebody to Love" is my newest anthem, and what I thought was a perfect display of love. But it has been uprooted, and this is not a bad thing, by Bruno's song. I don't know if I have mentioned this, or maybe I have in different ways. But I have sort of come full circle in my life as far as finally seeing the beauty in myself that other people have said they've always seen. I am comfortable in my own skin, and I am truly happy being me. So this song not only speaks to the kindest words and the purest love that anyone can hope for, but it also speaks to the one love that you must always have, and that's love of yourself.
Second, this song transends so many other "love"styles! I mean it can speak to any relationship no matter who is involved, what do I mean, it's a perfect love song for two people who are in love, it speaks to what people want to hear about everyday- that someone out there gets them and cares about them and, wait for it LOVES THEM!!!
Now taking this from the perspective of someone who would be in a heterosexual relationship(because this is my "love"style, I think this is the perfect song for me being a female, to have written. I think Bruno Mars gave me and probably everyone else who listens to this the perfect song to make us feel good, and he gave those that we are in relationships the perfect song to express all of our love through.
With that said, I want to share with you the song that puts a smile on my face and the song that I will never get tired of, and the song that sadly I think will knock Eminem and Rihanna's "Love the way you lie" out of it's number 1 spot!
Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day
Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don't see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
Her nails, her nails
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy
She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day
Oh you know, you know, you know
Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you're searching for
Then just stay the same
So don't even bother asking
If you look okay
You know I say
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
The way you are
The way you are
Girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are
*** The bold is probably my favorite verse in this track, even though I love it all!!!
And now for the video..
So to all those reading this blog: You don't have to search far or wide to find this perfect love, you only need to start with yourself and grow in your own skin. And for those of you who have that special someone in your life, cherish that moment and let them know how you care about them. It could be as simple as just playing this song and telling them you love them. But just say it, love can be fleeting, you need to do what you can to preserve it when you have it.. #justsaying
Sometimes we all need a little place where we can clear our heads and look back on the people we used to be and see how we became the people we are today... It is through writing that I am able to learn more about me
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
25 is the new 21!!

So if you don't know, I just celebrated a FABULOUS birthday. I am 25 years old and I am FINALLY in a place in my life where I can see so many of my dreams coming true. I feel more comfortable, confident and just plain HAPPY to be me right now.
Over the last few days I have been thinking about some things I want to do in this new year. So I guess given that I am 25 I will make a list of 25 things I hope to accomplish in this next year of my life. Here goes nothing:
1. Stay Current (Political Science is my passion, so I need to stay current in order to keep this passion strong)
2. Build Relationships with Grad Professors and students (I am finding that I still have one foot caught in the UnderGraduate door and I need to branch out and sort of move on. It's not bad thing, but I do need to make more of a concious effort to make changes)
3. 4.0 (I want a 4.0 this semester. So I am going to bust my butt to get it)
4. Network (I am in the last stages of my college career, this is an opportunity for me to make the best of the relationships that I have and will have especially when it comes to my profession)
5. Read more (I love to read, and I haven't been on top of my game as much as I need to be, so I want to read more and I have a HUGE book list and I will get through it)
People Relationships:
1. Date (I am FINALLY in a place that I am comfortable with me, which means that I am ready to put me out there so here is to jumping into the dating pool)
*** If I was to go on a date here are my ideas
- RockClimbing
- Picnic on the National Mall and the day in the Botanical Garden
- Ice Skating at the National Art Gallery and Sculpture Gardens
- BTWs what happened to a nice home cooked meal, a movie and wine? (that would be a great date)
2. Foster Identities of the people I encounter (okay so like I mentioned in the previous goal, I am finally comfortable with myself, so I want to pass on the tools that helped me get to where I am. The tools I used to help me get rid of the insecurities I used to hold on to, etc.)
3.Family Relationships (I think it's straight forward, but my family relationships, especially with my mother are not as strong as I want them to be. I think the point is that instead of pushing them away completely, I need to be open to the expereince. Our time on this earth is short- I don't want to waste it angry)
4. Strengthen Friendships (I have lived far enough away from my friends who are practicaly my family. I have been there for their babies births and in spirit at Weddings. I just know that as I get older time gets longer and well I need to make a better effort to keep in touch with people while I build these new relationships as well)
5. My personal growth and development as an individual and how I see myself and my relationship wtih God
1. Get through 60 days of Insanity
2.Run 8 miles
3. I want a 4 Pack by the end of the year (NO JOKE)
4. Better Healthy eating habits
5. Incorporate Strength Training
- Haiti
- New Orleans (So the plan was that I was going to go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, my first Mardi Gras now that I am an adult. Well due to a change in my Haiti Schedule I will be going to New Orleans later in the year)
- Miami
- Begin planning my trip across the country (I have travled to all but 3 states. But this all happened when I was much younger, so I would like to revist many of the places that I have been before with the hopes that I can relive some of these experiences. The goal is to do this before I am 30)
* And the biggest goal I have for the year is to budget. This summer I got myself into quite a pickle financially and now I am doing what I can to recover, but I need to do better. Once I get over this "hump" than I will be well on my way to the financial stability that I can enjoy.
But for now it's time to suck it up and do what I can to not have these issues again. Which means sadly, that Keesha will not be going out for a while.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Funny how some simple words...
....thrust a person into both deep thought and deep confusion. I just had a conversation with a blast from my past. A person who surprises me more than even he will know. The sad thing is tomorrow I doubt he'll even remember the conversation we had or the promises he made. So in this moment, I just sit here contemplating what happened and shake my head and listen to music that only seems to speak to me in these moments, knowing that even for me tomorrow will bring a different experience and a different moment, and this particular moment in my life will just be another memory I put away with all of the other dreams and small investments into this friendship while I anticipate this next blast from the past...
So with that here is the song of the moment. Dave Matthews Band- "Say Goodbye"..
So here we are tonight
You and me together
The storm outside, the fire is bright
And in your eyes I see
What's on my mind
You've got me wild
Turned around inside
And then desire, see, is creeping
Up heavy inside here
And know you feel the same way
I do now
Now let's make this an evening
Lovers for a night, lovers for tonight
Stay here with me, love, tonight
Just for an evening
When we make
Our passion pictures
You and me twist up
Secret creatures
And we'll stay here
Tomorrow go back to being friends
Go back to being friends
But tonight let's be lovers,
We kiss and sweat
We'll turn this better thing
To the best
Of all we can offer, Just a rogue kiss
Tangled tongues and lips,
See me this way
I'm turning and turning for you
Girl just tonight
Float away here with me
An evening just wait and see
But tomorrow go back to your man
I'm back to my world
And we're back to being friends
Wait and see me,
Tonight let's do this thing
All we are is wasting hours until the sun comes up it's all ours
On our way here
Tomorrow go back to being friends
Go back to being friends
Tonight let's be lovers, say you will
And hear me call, soft-spoken whispering love
A thing or two I have to say here
Tonight let's go all the way then
Love I'll see you,
Just for this evening
Let's strip down, trip out at this
One evening starts with a kiss
Run away
And tomorrow
Back to being friends
Just for tonight, one you
And tomorrow say goodbye
It's crazy, it seems like this is the relationship I have with this one particular person, that in these brief moments we get to be two people who just care about each other and are trapped in this weird limbo, and then by the morning, its back to the way our lives are supposed to be-separate. Which is so frustrating, for me. Because in these brief moments, I am thrown into the dream of what could be- and for the record I like that dream :( so I guess my "Tonight, let's be lovers..." Is really me saying just keep this dream going, this moment where we just get to be. I wish that I could have that for many evenings and not just for a few fleeting moments. I don't want to go back to being friends, because when we are more than that it is so much more fun....
Or I guess to Dave, my issue is that I don't just want this for a night and I sure as hell don't want to say goodbye.. BAH!!! FRUSTRATING!!
Worse part is now I look like the crazy person who just can't let go. Well maybe, tell the jack-off who keeps coming back to stop! All I do is pick up the phone, I'm not the one who calls, HE DOES! Why?! What is the purpose of wrapping up one person into every good thing you want for yourself if you can't even take the next steps to make sure that she stays there. And even more, what is the purpose of you risking a good thing when all you have to do is just say a few words and you'd have her forever?
Well I know I may be wrong and the first part of this is that I need to also let go, and refuse to answer the phone anymore. But I guess for just tonight, I'll continue to participate in this dance we do and hold on to the dream just for a night. And tomorrow, we'll go back to being worse than friends, and that's nothing. But at least for right now I still have this fleeting moment and a dream... Night y'all..
So with that here is the song of the moment. Dave Matthews Band- "Say Goodbye"..
So here we are tonight
You and me together
The storm outside, the fire is bright
And in your eyes I see
What's on my mind
You've got me wild
Turned around inside
And then desire, see, is creeping
Up heavy inside here
And know you feel the same way
I do now
Now let's make this an evening
Lovers for a night, lovers for tonight
Stay here with me, love, tonight
Just for an evening
When we make
Our passion pictures
You and me twist up
Secret creatures
And we'll stay here
Tomorrow go back to being friends
Go back to being friends
But tonight let's be lovers,
We kiss and sweat
We'll turn this better thing
To the best
Of all we can offer, Just a rogue kiss
Tangled tongues and lips,
See me this way
I'm turning and turning for you
Girl just tonight
Float away here with me
An evening just wait and see
But tomorrow go back to your man
I'm back to my world
And we're back to being friends
Wait and see me,
Tonight let's do this thing
All we are is wasting hours until the sun comes up it's all ours
On our way here
Tomorrow go back to being friends
Go back to being friends
Tonight let's be lovers, say you will
And hear me call, soft-spoken whispering love
A thing or two I have to say here
Tonight let's go all the way then
Love I'll see you,
Just for this evening
Let's strip down, trip out at this
One evening starts with a kiss
Run away
And tomorrow
Back to being friends
Just for tonight, one you
And tomorrow say goodbye
It's crazy, it seems like this is the relationship I have with this one particular person, that in these brief moments we get to be two people who just care about each other and are trapped in this weird limbo, and then by the morning, its back to the way our lives are supposed to be-separate. Which is so frustrating, for me. Because in these brief moments, I am thrown into the dream of what could be- and for the record I like that dream :( so I guess my "Tonight, let's be lovers..." Is really me saying just keep this dream going, this moment where we just get to be. I wish that I could have that for many evenings and not just for a few fleeting moments. I don't want to go back to being friends, because when we are more than that it is so much more fun....
Or I guess to Dave, my issue is that I don't just want this for a night and I sure as hell don't want to say goodbye.. BAH!!! FRUSTRATING!!
Worse part is now I look like the crazy person who just can't let go. Well maybe, tell the jack-off who keeps coming back to stop! All I do is pick up the phone, I'm not the one who calls, HE DOES! Why?! What is the purpose of wrapping up one person into every good thing you want for yourself if you can't even take the next steps to make sure that she stays there. And even more, what is the purpose of you risking a good thing when all you have to do is just say a few words and you'd have her forever?
Well I know I may be wrong and the first part of this is that I need to also let go, and refuse to answer the phone anymore. But I guess for just tonight, I'll continue to participate in this dance we do and hold on to the dream just for a night. And tomorrow, we'll go back to being worse than friends, and that's nothing. But at least for right now I still have this fleeting moment and a dream... Night y'all..
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